To keep our community looking and operating its best we have several committees 
which are a valuable resource for answers or sharing ideas

Appearance Committee
Committee Chair - TBD; co-Chair TBD
Ensures that our homes are maintained properly 
by sending reminders and sharing ideas.

Architecture Committee
Committee Chair - TBD; co-Chair TBD
Deals with the structure of the home and any modifications 
that might be considered and external to the home including common area.

Community Engagement Committee 
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD
Plans community mailings, website, newsletter and other items to 
communicate to the community and connect them with homeowners

Disaster Preparedness
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD
A committee that we hope doesn’t see too much action but 
we have a plan and emergency information for homeowners.

Fence Committee
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD
This committee is kept busy year round since each of our homes and community perimeter 
are bordered by fences that are owned and maintained by the Association.

Landscaping Committee
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD
This committee is in place to ensure the common area is maintained and improved where needed.

Street Resurfacing Committee
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD
Your Association fees pay for resurfacing our streets on a
regular basis to maintain property value and appearance

Cable Contract Committee
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD

Painting Committee
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD
Your Association fees pay for painting of our homes on a 
regular basis to maintain property value and appearance
Welcoming Committee
Committee Chairs TBD; co-Chair TBD
Meeting with and helping our new Homeowners and Renters

Pool Committee
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD
Keeps our pool clean, beautiful and inviting

Parking Committee
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD

Fining Committee
Committee Chair TBD; co-Chair TBD

If you are a homeowner of Sierra Del Mar and have an interest  in working with any of these committees, or have an issue in any of these areas, please call or email the appropriate committee chairman for information
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